Who is Angelica Cuevas?
Hello i am Angelica Cuevas. I was born in the Philippines but i grew up here in the United States. I have 2 younger brothers. I’ve always felt like I was responsible for everything because I’m the eldest. I can’t be a burden to my parents. I’ve learned to help myself get back up and stay strong. I have a goal of becoming a nurse and i will need to learn how to carry myself through challenges specially that now I know that the field that I will be taking is a competition. I went to the Philippines recently and I prefer Philippines than the United States because everything here is tedious. I’m a person full of thoughts which is bad and good at the same time. Depends on the situation. I overthink most of the time which I need to get rid of. But I give good advice. It’s nice to help people realize things when it’s hard for them to think because all they think about is sadness.